SILCA® 250KM is a real European champion. Thus the VKF Vereinigung Kantonaler Feuerversicherungen (Association of Swiss Cantonal Fire Insurance Underwriters) issued the Swiss Fire Prevention Approval no. 15202, the biggest Scandinavian research institute SINTEF issued certificate no. 120-0238, and for sure our SILCA® 250KM insulation board also achieves the results required by the new Austrian standard Ö-Norm B8311 in its issue 2013-12-15. Across the borders this means safety and untroubled pleasure in the building and heating of domestic fire places. According to standard EN 14 306:2010 SILCA® 250KM received the certificate no. 0432-CPD-420002242/2-6.
SILCA® 250KM replaces both fire protecting wall and thermal insulation in only one construction material and not only for this reason guarantees more favorable results than comparable products. The required thickness of the insulation layer is determined on the basis of the assembly instructions of the stove manufacturers, the technical rules TR-OL and further national regulations. Depending on the individual case of application and where appropriate, an active air ventilation has to be provided.
The main components of the SILCA calcium silicate boards are lime and sand. These are physiologically safe and Classified as environmentally compliant construction material. This is guaranteed by our modern production facilities, permanent quality control, external supervision and certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008. The environmental compatibility is certified by the environmental product declaration according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 issued by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (German institute for construction and environment), declaration nro. EPD-CSP-2013111-D.